PHP wrapper for Kendo UI widgets

Kendo UI is a great JavaScript library. It offers both open-source and commercial editions.
This library provides a wrapper for all Kendo UI widgets. Telerik provides PHP wrappers itself,
but these are unnecessarily complex and in addition they are payed. Our library is released under the MIT license, so you are free
to use it in any project (even commercial projects) as long as the copyright header is left intact.
Install the latest version using composer require riesenia/kendo
Or add to your composer.json file as a requirement:
"require": {
"riesenia/kendo": "~1.0"
Any widget can be created calling the create method of Kendo class. For example creating a grid with selector "#grid" (resulting
in $("#grid").kendoGrid({ ... })
can be achieved by calling:
use Riesenia\Kendo\Kendo;
echo Kendo::create('Grid')->bindTo('#grid');
or faster by:
use Riesenia\Kendo\Kendo;
echo Kendo::createGrid('#grid');
Setting properties
Any property can be set by calling set method. For adding to properties that are represented by array (or objects), add method
can be used. Set method can be also used for batch assignment by passing array as the only parameter. To NOT encode passed data,
pass them wrapped by Kendo::js()
call. All the methods return the instance so calls can be chained. Examples:
use Riesenia\Kendo\Kendo;
$grid = Kendo::createGrid('#grid');
// set any property
// set property, that should not be encoded
$grid->setChange(Kendo::js('function(e) {
// set properties by array
'height' => 100,
'change' => Kendo::js('function(e) {
// add to property
$grid->addColumns(null, 'Name')
->addColumns(null, ['field' => 'Surname', 'encoded' => false]);
// pass DataSource object
Complex example
Creating code for grid as in this example:
use Riesenia\Kendo\Kendo;
$model = Kendo::createModel()
->addField('ProductName', ['type' => 'string'])
->addField('UnitPrice', ['type' => 'number'])
->addField('UnitsInStock', ['type' => 'number'])
->addField('Discontinued', ['type' => 'boolean']);
$dataSource = Kendo::createDataSource()
->setSchema(['model' => $model])
echo Kendo::createGrid('#grid')
->setPageable(['input' => true, 'numeric' => false])
['field' => 'UnitPrice', 'title' => 'Unit Price', 'format' => '{0:c}', 'width' => '130px'],
['field' => 'UnitsInStock', 'title' => 'Units In Stock', 'width' => '130px'],
['field' => 'Discontinued', 'width' => '130px']
Observable (MVVM)
Rendering for Kendo observable is slightly different. Predefined
variable name is viewModel, but this can be overridden by the method variableName. Example:
use Riesenia\Kendo\Kendo;
echo Kendo::createObservable('#view')
->setDisplayGreeting(Kendo::js('function() {
alert("Hello, " + this.get("firstName") + " " + this.get("lastName") + "!!!");
This will output:
myMvvm = kendo.observable({
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"displayGreeting": function () {
alert("Hello, " + this.get("firstName") + " " + this.get("lastName") + "!!!");
kendo.bind($("#view"), myMvvm);
You can run the unit tests with the following command:
$ cd path/to/riesenia/kendo
$ composer install
$ vendor/bin/phpspec run