
Another Curl Library...
How to install via Composer
The recommended way to install is through Composer.
# Install Composer
$ curl -sS | php
# Add curl as a dependency
$ php composer.phar require masnathan/curl:dev-master
Once it's installed, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
How to use
The basic way
$curl = new Curl();
//These are the fast-forward methods
$curl->get(string $url [, array $params]);
$curl->post(string $url [, array $params]);
$curl->put(string $url [, array $params]);
$curl->delete(string $url [, array $params]);
//or you can do it like a true ninja
$response = $curl
->setOpt(CURLOPT_URL, '')
//or you can login onto a website
$login_page = $curl->login('', array('username' => 'my_user', 'password' => 'my_fancy_password'), '/path/to/my/cookie.txt');
$private_page = $curl->get('');
The "not so basic until you know it" way
//These are the fast-forward methods
Ch::get( string $url [, array $params [, function $callback [, string $data_type]]]);
Ch::post( string $url [, array $params [, function $callback [, string $data_type]]]);
Ch::postJson( string $url [, array $params [, function $callback [, string $data_type]]]);
Ch::postXml( string $url [, array $params [, function $callback [, string $data_type]]]);
Ch::put( string $url [, array $params [, function $callback [, string $data_type]]]);
Ch::delete( string $url [, array $params [, function $callback [, string $data_type]]]);
//Here are a few examples:
Ch::get('', array('param1' => 'some value', 'param2' => 'some other value'));
Ch::get('', array('param1' => 'some value', 'param2' => 'some other value'), function(data) { var_dump($data); });
Ch::get('', array('param1' => 'some value', 'param2' => 'some other value'), function(data) { var_dump($data); }, 'json');
Ch::get('', array('param1' => 'some value', 'param2' => 'some other value'), 'json');
Ch::get('', 'xml');
Ch::get('', function(data) { var_dump($data); }, 'json');
//Any of the above examples is aceptable
This library is under the MIT License, see the complete license here
Is your project using MASNathan\Curl
? Let me know!