PHP Similar Text Percentage: Compare two strings to compute a similarity score
### Library which help to Compare two strings to compute a similarity score and get stats on how linked are the strings.
**Requires**: PHP 5.3+
### What this library exactly does?
this library can compare two strings to compute a similarity score.
It takes the text of two strings and analyze them using pure PHP code to evaluate how equal they are.
The class returns a number that represents a percentage of the two strings to tell the level of similarity.
Based on the stats provided It actually can help to detect similarity even if these cases occurred :
### How to use it
Require the library by issuing this command:
composer require manuwhat/similar-text
Add `require 'vendor/autoload.php';` to the top of your script.
Next, use it in your script, just like this:
use ezama/similar-text;
100.0===similarText('qwerty', 'ytrewq')
This is an example of how to use the stats to check a special case.Here we will use them to check about anagrams
(note that this has already been implemented in the library check the file similar_text.php to know more about all available implementation)
function areAnagrams($a, $b)
return Ezama\similar_text::similarText($a, $b, 2, true, $check)?$check['similar'] === 100.0&&$check['contain']===true:false;
areAnagrams('qwerty', 'ytrewq');// return true;
some functions and methods are more subtle than one can think.
For example the method simpleCommonTextSimilarities::aIsSuperStringOfB and its helper aIsSuperStringOfB
are not at all equal to the usual checking functions built on top of preg_match ,stripos and PHP similar functions
a simple example is :
function aisSuperStringOfB_stripos($a, $b)
return false!==stripos($a,$b);
function aisSuperStringOfB_PCRE($a, $b)
return preg_match('#'.preg_quote($b).'#i',$a);
require './vendor/manuwhat/similar-text/similar_text.php';
aIsSuperStringOfB('mum do you want to cook something', 'do you cook something mum');//return true;
aIsSuperStringOfB_stripos('mum do you want to cook something', 'do you cook something mum');//false;
aIsSuperStringOfB_PCRE('mum do you want to cook something', 'do you cook something mum');//return false;
### How To run unit tests
phpunit ./tests