PHP Nano Rest

Easy-to-use self-containing lightweight package to deal with cURL requests.
Such packages as Guzzle are great of course, but they are too heavy for small projects. You don't need an overkill package for some easy stuff, and that's when something small and neat may help.
- PHP >= 7.1;
- cURL extension.
Require the package using command line:
composer require "gino-pane/nano-rest:1.*"
or just put a new dependency in your existing composer.json
and run composer install
after that:
"require": {
"gino-pane/nano-rest": "1.*"
Project's philosophy implies usage of RequestContext
and ResponseContext
objects. RequestContext
aggregates request settings
whilst ResponseContext
contains response data.
Response context can be typed. Currently only JsonResponseContext
available for JSON responses. Response type must be set explicitly by
user. If no response type set, DummyResponseContext
will be used.
Please take a look at examples below, which may clarify everything.
POST some data to endpoint
require './vendor/autoload.php';
$nanoRest = new NanoRest();
//explicitly set expected response type
//create request context
$requestContext = (new RequestContext('')) //pass URL to constructor
->setMethod(RequestContext::METHOD_POST) //set request method. GET is default
->setRequestParameters([ //set some request parameters. They will be attached to URL
'foo' => 'bar'
->setData('Hello world!') //set request data for body
->setContentType(RequestContext::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN) //being set by default
->setHeaders([ // set some headers for request
'bar' => 'baz'
$responseContext = $nanoRest->sendRequest($requestContext);
$responseContext->getHttpStatusCode(); //200
$responseContext->hasHttpError() //false
array(8) {
'args' =>
array(1) {
'foo' =>
string(3) "bar"
'data' =>
string(12) "Hello world!"
'files' =>
array(0) {
'form' =>
array(0) {
'headers' =>
array(8) {
'Accept' =>
string(3) "/"
'Accept-Encoding' =>
string(13) "deflate, gzip"
'Bar' =>
string(3) "baz"
'Connection' =>
string(5) "close"
'Content-Length' =>
string(2) "12"
'Content-Type' =>
string(25) "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
'Host' =>
string(11) ""
'User-Agent' =>
string(13) "php-nano-rest"
'json' =>
'origin' =>
string(12) ""
'url' =>
string(31) ""
provides setCurlOption
which allow to override default cURL options
and customize request for all your needs. Please examine source code and provided IntegrationTest
to get the whole idea.
Change the way how request query is generated
By default http_build_query encodes arrays using php square brackets syntax, like this:
But sometimes you'll want it to work like this instead:
Or even in some other custom-defined way.
That's why setEncodeArraysUsingDuplication
and setHttpQueryCustomProcessor
methods were added to RequestContext
$url = "http://some.url";
$data = ['text' => [1,2,3]];
$request = (new RequestContext($url))
$requestUrl = $request->getRequestUrl(); //http://some.url?text%5B0%5D=1&text%5B1%5D=2&text%5B2%5D=3
$url = "http://some.url";
$data = ['text' => [1,2,3]];
$request = (new RequestContext($url))
$requestUrl = $request->getRequestUrl(); //http://some.url?text=1&text=2&text=3
Method setHttpQueryCustomProcessor
allows you to set your custom Closure
that will be called on HTTP query string so you could process it as you wish. Initial request $data
array will be passed to it as a second parameter.
$url = "http://some.url";
$data = ['text' => [1,2,3]];
$request = (new RequestContext($url))
function (string $query, array $data) {
return str_replace('text', 'data', $query);
$requestUrl = $request->getRequestUrl(); //http://some.url?data=1&data=2&data=3
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Please refer to LICENSE.
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