Ludwig Ruderstaller - 2008-03-10 14:13:49 -
In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
> "ValidateOnlyOnServerSide"
Its not a problem at the moment, i extend your class and have overwritten you AddInput function which adds the "ValidateOnlyOnServerSide" followed bei parent::AddInput.
> ShowAllErrors=1
Yes, i already did this. Unfortunatly its only a string. For the "Empty" Validation message, its no big problem to parse the right line depending on the label name. For other Errormessages it could be harder.
The only option i see for the moment is to overwrite the Validate function and write $input_error to an array. eg.
Maybe you want to add an FormClass Var. eg. ErrorsAsArray which defaults to false to keep backward compatibility. so you could at the end of Validate() do eg.
return $input_errors;
return $error;
what you think ?
Rufinus aka Ludwig