Wah Y Lam - 2007-10-02 12:18:36 -
In reply to message 11 from Manuel Lemos
I want to understand how this data retriving works.
In the documentation (forms.html), there is an example:
I don't really understand the $input argument. I had tried putting the $input, as in the example above,and also the "NAME" or the "ID" of my fields, but I could not print out the validated value.
Here were what I did.
In the section of (indicated in test_form.php example):
Instead of putting $form->ReadOnly=1;
I put in: (for a name field)
print $value;
I put in: (for checkbox field)
print $checked;
I was not able to print out these validated values.
Please kindly explain further on retreving the these validated values.