DownloadBladeOneHtml extension library (optional)
Requires: BladeOne
For using this tag, the code requires to use the class BladeOneHtml
New Tags
@item('0','--Select a country--',$countrySelected,'')
`@select`/`@endselect` creates the select tag. The first value is the id and name of the tag.
`@item` allows to add one element option tag.
The first value is the id and the second is the visible text.
The third tag indicates the selected element. It could be a single value or an array of elements.
`@items` allows to add one list of elements option tag.
The first value is the list of values,
the second and third is the id and name.
And the fourth one is the selected value (optional)

@input creates a input tag. The first value is the id/name, the second is the default value, the third is the type (by default is text for textbox)*[]:
... form goes here
@form creates form html tag. The first value (optional) is the action, the second value (optional) is the method ('post','get')
`@listboxes(id,$listvalues,$fieldid,$fieldvalue,·selected,[$extra])` Creates a list box
The `id` indicates the id of the object. It shoulds be unique.
`$listvalues` indicates the vlaues to show in the object.
`$fieldid` indicates the field used as key.
`$fieldvalue` indicates the field used to show.
`$selected` indicates the selected values.
`$extra` (optional) indicates the extra value (see note below).
Single checkbox: @checkbox('idsimple','777','SelectMe','777')
Multiple checkboxes: @checkbox('id3')
@item('0','--Select a country--')<br>
`id` indicates the id of the object. It shoulds be unique
`$value` indicates the value of the checkbox when its selected.
`$label` shows the label of the object.
`$valueselected` indicates the selected value. If $value is equals to $valueselected then the checkbox is checked
`$extra` (optional) indicates the extra value (see section note below).
> Note: It could be generates as a single value or as a list of checkboxes (see examples)
@label('id','Select the value:')
`id` indicates the id of the input object related with the label.
`$label` shows the label of the object.
`$extra` (optional) indicates the extra value (see section note below).
link (new in 1.6)
@link('','Go to google')
NOTE: Extra Parameter
Additionally, you can add an (optional) last parameter with additional value (see the example of @select)
<!-- code using bootstrap -->
<div class="form-group">
<label for="sel1">Select list:</label>
@item('0','--Select a country--',"",class='form-control'")