<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<dt-example table-type="html" table-class="table table-striped table-bordered" order="1">
<css lib="bootstrap datatables-bootstrap">
body { font-size: 140%; }
div.DTTT { margin-bottom: 0.5em; float: right; }
div.dataTables_wrapper { clear: both; }
<js lib="jquery datatables tabletools datatables-bootstrap">
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#example').DataTable();
var tt = new $.fn.dataTable.TableTools( table );
$( tt.fnContainer() ).insertBefore('div.dataTables_wrapper');
} );
<title lib="TableTools">Bootstrap styling</title>
<info>< is a very powerful design framework for allowing you to very quickly create applications with a unified look and feel. [DataTables integrates well](http://datatables.net/manual/styling/bootstrap) with Bootstrap, and so does TableTools.
This example shows the default Bootstrap theme being used with a Bootstrap styled DataTable. The [`new`](new_init.html) form of initialising TableTools is used here, as the Bootstrap integration uses a complex `dt-init dom` option (it is possible to provide a custom `dt-init dom` option if you want to, this is just for simplicity!).