DownloadDoctrine Collections

Collections Abstraction library
This release, combined with the release of doctrine/collections v1.6.1 ,
fixes an issue where parsing annotations was not possible
for classes within doctrine/collections .
Specifically, v1.6.0 introduced Psalm-specific annotations
such as (for example) @template and @template-implements ,
which were both incorrectly recognized as @template .
@template has therefore been removed, and instead we use
the prefixed @psalm-template , which is no longer parsed
by doctrine/collections v1.6.1
Total issues resolved: 1
This release bumps the minimum required PHP version to 7.1.3.
Following improvements were introduced:
* ArrayCollection#filter() now allows filtering by key, value or both.
* When using the ClosureExpressionVisitor over objects with a defined
accessor and property, the accessor is prioritised.
* Updated testing tools and coding standards, autoloading, which also
led to marginal performance improvements
* Introduced generic type docblock declarations from psalm,
which should allow users to declare / @var Collection<KeyType, ValueType> */
in their code, and leverage the type propagation deriving from that.
Total issues resolved: 16
Add a new ``AbstractLazyCollection``
Deprecated ``Comparison::IS``, because it's only there for SQL semantics.
These are fixed in the ORM instead.
Add ``Comparison::CONTAINS`` to perform partial string matches:
$criteria->andWhere($criteria->expr()->contains('property', 'Foo'));