
Laravel Localization To Vue/JSON
This package collects all localizations from resources/lang directory and it's sub-directories and converts them to plain array
which can later be converted to JSON object and used with libraries like Vue, Angular, etc.
Just require this package with composer.
composer require kg-bot/laravel-localization-to-vue
Laravel 5.5+
Laravel 5.5 uses Package Auto-Discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider.
If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php KgBot\LaravelLocalization\LaravelLocalizationServiceProvider::class
and if you want alias add this inside aliases array in config/app.php "ExportLocalization" => "KgBot\\LaravelLocalization\\Facades\\ExportLocalizations"
Settings and configuration
You can export config by running
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=KgBot\LaravelLocalization\LaravelLocalizationServiceProvider --tag=config
This package can be used in multiple ways, I'll give examples for some of them, but there's really no limitation.
First example would be to add view composed variable and use it in blade views.
// inside ServiceProvider
// With alias
use ExportLocalization;
// Without alias
use KgBot\LaravelLocalization\Facades\ExportLocalizations as LaravelLocalization;
View::composer( 'view.file', function ( $view ) {
return $view->with( [
'messages' => ExportLocalization::export()->toArray(),
] );
} );
Second way would be to request it over HTTP just like any other file
let messages = axios.get('http://localhost/js/lang.js') // This is default route which can be changed in config
You can also export messages to ECMAScript 6 standard JavaScript module with artisan command
## Some examples why would you use this package and messages over Laravel standard localization
// Inside blade view
window.default_locale = "{{ config('app.locale') }}";
window.fallback_locale = "{{ config('app.fallback_locale') }}";
window.messages = @json($messages);
// And optionaly you can then use it in any JavaScript file or Vue.js component
// app.js
import Vue from 'vue';
import Lang from 'lang.js';
const default_locale = window.default_language;
const fallback_locale = window.fallback_locale;
const messages = window.messages;
Vue.prototype.trans = new Lang( { messages, locale: default_locale, fallback: fallback_locale } );
// Example.vue
<b-input v-model="query"
## Routing
This package exposes one route `http://localhost/js/lang.js` by default but you can change the prefix to anything you whish in config file.
You can also have a nice route name for blade templates or any other route calls, it's `route('assets.lang')` by default but it's customizable by config/environment file.
## Proposals, comments, feedback
Everything of this is highly welcome and appreciated
## To-Do
+ Create exclude configuration so not files/directories are collected
Anything else you can think of please leave me comments, mail me, create issue, whatever you prefer.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details