// Edit History:
// Last $Author: munroe $
// Last Modified: $Date: 2006/03/25 11:43:02 $
// Dick Munroe ([email protected]) 28-Feb-2006
// Initial version created
// Dick Munroe ([email protected]) 14-Mar-2006
// Add alternatePaymentStatus method.
// Dick Munroe ([email protected]) 25-Mar-2006
// Put in a notify_url field into the button so that
// we get back to this script from the sandbox.
* @author Dick Munroe <[email protected]>
* @copyright copyright @ 2006 by Dick Munroe, Cottage Software Works, Inc.
* @license http://www.csworks.com/publications/ModifiedNetBSD.html
* @version 1.0.2
* @package dm.paypal
* @example ./example.php
* Is an example of how to write Paypal IPN processors using the classes provided
* by dm.paypal from phpclasses.org. The overall process is pretty simple.
* 1. Create a class that extends paypalIPNBase.
* 2. Override the following methods:
* A. preprocess - called before any $_POST processing has occurred.
* B. [optional] sourceNotEmpty - called if there is any data left in $_POST after extracting Paypal IPN data.
* C. alternatePaymentStatus - called if the IPN is not a completed payment.
* D. checkTransactionId - called to determine if the transaction Id is unique in your application.
* E. processPayment - called when the payment has been fully verified.
* F. postprocess - called after any/all processing has occurred.
* 3. Create your Purchasing environment.
* 4. Configure Paypal to invoke your IPN page.
* 5. Test, test, test.
include_once("class.paypalIPNBase.php") ;
include_once("SDD/class.SDD.php") ;
* An example class to process IPNs in the context of the virtual_payment.php
* invocation.
class examplePaypalIPN extends paypalIPNBase
var $m_localEmail = "" ;
var $m_message = "" ;
function examplePaypalIPN($theLocalEmail, $theReceiverEmail, $thePaypalURL = NULL, $theSandboxURL = NULL)
$this->m_localEmail = $theLocalEmail ;
$this->paypalIPNBase($theReceiverEmail, $thePaypalURL, $theSandboxURL) ;
function preprocess(&$theSource)
$this->m_message .= "<pre>\n" ;
$this->m_message .= "preprocess: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= "The Source: \n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theSource, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\n" ;
function postprocess(&$theIPN, $theStatus)
$this->m_message .= "postprocess: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= "The IPN: \n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theIPN, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\nThe Status: \n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theStatus, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "</pre>\n" ;
if ($this->m_localEmail != '')
mail($this->m_localEmail, "dm.paypal debugging", $this->m_message) ;
$f = fopen("./log/message.html", "w") ;
fwrite($f, $this->m_message) ;
fclose($f) ;
function sourceNotEmpty(&$theIPN, &$theSource)
$this->m_message .= "sourceNotEmpty: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= "The IPN: \n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theIPN, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\nThe Source: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theSource, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\n" ;
$theReturnStatus = parent::sourceNotEmpty($theIPN, $theSource) ;
$this->m_message .= "\nThe Status: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theReturnStatus, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\n" ;
return $theReturnStatus ;
function alternatePaymentStatus(&$theIPN)
$this->m_message .= "alternatePaymentStatus: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= "The IPN: \n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theIPN, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\n" ;
* Indicate that the alternate payment status has been successfully
* processed.
return true ;
* This is not normally overridden. I do so here to provide additional information
* in the context of the example.
function httpPost ($url, &$theIPN)
$this->m_message .= "httpPost: \n\n" ;
$theReturnStatus = parent::httpPost($url, $theIPN) ;
$this->m_message .= "The Curl: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($this->m_curl, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\n" ;
$this->m_message .= "The Status: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theReturnStatus, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\n" ;
return $theReturnStatus ;
function checkTransactionId($theTransactionId)
$this->m_message .= "checkTransactionId: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= "The Transaction Id: \n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theTransactionId, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\n" ;
return true ;
function processPayment(&$theIPN)
$this->m_message .= "processPayment: \n\n" ;
$this->m_message .= "The IPN: \n" ;
$this->m_message .= SDD::dump($theIPN, FALSE) ;
$this->m_message .= "\n" ;
return true ;
* Since this is a test environment, always use the receiver email provided from Paypal, and
* write output to a log file (./log/message.html). If you wish to have email sent to an
* account instead, provide your email address as the first argument when creating the
* example Paypal IPN object.
$ipn = new examplePaypalIPN("", $_POST['receiver_email']) ;
$theStatus = $ipn->processNotification($_POST) ;
This button was generated by the paypal sandbox and is specific to your particular site. Generate a new one
using the sandbox tools for your site and insert the html here.
<form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Test Purchase">
<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="000001">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="10.00">
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="<? echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] ;?>">
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF">
<input type="image" src="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but23.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">