Author: Manuel Lemos
Viewers: 32
Last month viewers: 8
Categories: PHP community, News, Events
So now we are starting a test to evaluate if developers like yourself are interested in knowing about the events that will happen soon near your region, so you can prepare to participate in those events.
Read this short article to be aware of PHP events in February 2023, so you can consider participating and learn more to be a better PHP developer with other developers.
Here you can also find guidance on how to promote your future PHP event better with the help of the PHP Classes site.

In this article you will learn:
1. Why You Should Participate in PHP Events in Your Region
2. What PHP Events Will Happen Near Your Region in the Week of February 2023
3. How Can You Promote Your PHP Event Here
1. Why You Should Participate in PHP Events in Your Region
Events, in general, are suitable for meeting other people with shared interests.
If you go to a PHP event, you will undoubtedly be able to learn from other PHP developers that have more experience than you.
When you meet other people, you can increase your network of contacts. This will allow you to learn from different developers and find developers that may collaborate in future projects to address better the needs and desires of customers that pay for your work.
2. What PHP Events Will Happen Near Your Region in the Week of February 2023
Here follows a list of events managed by organizers that published the details of their events in PHP community sites. The accuracy of the information needs to be verified because it is possible that sometimes the information is not up to date.
The list is sorted by continent and country:
North America
United States
Event: Monthly Meetup @ Tech Alley - TBD
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Organizer: Vegas Programmers Meetup
Date: February 18, 2023
Event: PHP and Laravel monthly meetup
Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Organizer: Chattanooga PHP Developers
Date: February 1, 2023
Event: Pinellas county in person event
Location: Tampa Bay, Florida
Organizer: Tampa Bay PHP
Date: February 16, 2023
Event: azPHP Meetup
Location: Mesa, Arizona
Organizer: azPHP
Date: February 28, 2023
The Netherlands
Event: AmsterdamPHP Monthly Meeting
Location: Amsterdam
Organizer: AmsterdamPHP
Date: February 16, 2023
South America
Event: PHPSP Pub
Location: São Paulo, São Paulo
Organizer: PHPSP
Date: February, 9
3. How Can You Promote Your PHP Event Here
The list above was compiled by checking the sites of the event organizers to verify if they have planned events that will happen in February.
Suppose you would like to organize an event for PHP developers or other professionals that are specialists in other areas. In that case, you can contact us using the contact link at the bottom of these pages or the contact buttons on the side of this site page to contact us by email, Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp.
We understand that it takes good work to organize a good PHP event. Sometimes hiring people, food, transportation, and other expenses is necessary to make the event possible.
So if you are interested, we may even help you organize and sell tickets for paid events because the PHP Classes users reach tens of thousands of users every day through articles like this and newsletters that we send to our subscribers.
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1. Virtual PHP Meetup - Alec Sherman (2023-01-18 23:46)
It would be great if someone would start a virtual PHP meetup.... - 4 replies
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