2. Tracking PHP API Accesses using Google Analytics Part 2: Recording API Accesses
Posted on: 2015-10-27
In the first part of this article it was presented a solution to retrieve statistics data from Google Analytics API using PHP but this API also allows recording events.
This can be useful to record accesses to a PHP API that you are providing in your site.
Read this article to learn how to use Google Analytics PHP to track the accesses to a PHP API of your own.
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This can be useful to record accesses to a PHP API that you are providing in your site.
Read this article to learn how to use Google Analytics PHP to track the accesses to a PHP API of your own.

1. Tracking PHP API Accesses using Google Analytics Part 1: Retrieving Access Statistics
Posted on: 2015-10-20
Google Analytics is a popular tool used by many sites to keep track of the statistics of the visitors of the sites.
However, it also provides an API that lets you do more than that, like for instance keeping track of the accesses to the APIs of your own sites, as well building custom user user interfaces to view the access statistics in the way that is most convenient for the site managers.
Read this part of the article to learn how to use the Google Analytics API to retrieve and display your site statistics that you need to generate custom reports.
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However, it also provides an API that lets you do more than that, like for instance keeping track of the accesses to the APIs of your own sites, as well building custom user user interfaces to view the access statistics in the way that is most convenient for the site managers.
Read this part of the article to learn how to use the Google Analytics API to retrieve and display your site statistics that you need to generate custom reports.