1. How to Implement a Laravel OAuth2 Server API that Can Refresh Expired OAuth Tokens Automatically
Updated on: 2022-06-23
Posted on: 2022-06-23
Laravel Passport is a package intended to provide user authentication for APIs using the OAuth 2 protocol.
An OAuth 2-based API server can generate tokens for the API clients to access the API on behalf of a real human user who authorizes the access to the API services from API client programs.
An OAuth 2 server can generate access tokens that it returns to the API client program. In the subsequent request that the client program sends to the API server, the client only needs to pass a token value to authenticate on behalf of the same user.
API servers should renew the access tokens after some time to improve the security of the API access.
This package provides a service that can perform the renewal of access tokens using refresh tokens by following the procedure determined by the OAuth 2 protocol specification.
This package can make the OAuth 2-based APIs based on the Laravel Passport more secure.
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An OAuth 2-based API server can generate tokens for the API clients to access the API on behalf of a real human user who authorizes the access to the API services from API client programs.
An OAuth 2 server can generate access tokens that it returns to the API client program. In the subsequent request that the client program sends to the API server, the client only needs to pass a token value to authenticate on behalf of the same user.
API servers should renew the access tokens after some time to improve the security of the API access.
This package provides a service that can perform the renewal of access tokens using refresh tokens by following the procedure determined by the OAuth 2 protocol specification.
This package can make the OAuth 2-based APIs based on the Laravel Passport more secure.