1. How to Detect Multiple Bugs that Cause Many PHP Errors Within the Same PHP Script Execution
Updated on: 2022-01-21
Posted on: 2022-01-21
Good error handling is necessary to help developers discover and fix eventual bugs.
There are non-fatal errors that cause bugs in applications. Applications may have code that can detect these bugs without stopping the rest of the application from working.
When these non-fatal errors happen in the same script, it is helpful to keep track and report all of those errors, so developers can look at them when they debug the applications.
This package can collect these errors in a bag, so they can be processed all at once, for instance, by recording in a log file or sending them to another machine that can make some helpful processing of the errors.
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There are non-fatal errors that cause bugs in applications. Applications may have code that can detect these bugs without stopping the rest of the application from working.
When these non-fatal errors happen in the same script, it is helpful to keep track and report all of those errors, so developers can look at them when they debug the applications.
This package can collect these errors in a bag, so they can be processed all at once, for instance, by recording in a log file or sending them to another machine that can make some helpful processing of the errors.